Friday, July 25, 2008

"1776" Comes to Alexandria

This Saturday, July 26th the Tony Award-winning musical "1776" is set to premiere at The Little Theatre of Alexandria. The play, which will be running from this Saturday until August 23, shows audiences the struggles and triumphs of the members of the Continental Congress as they strive to create a new nation.

Come watch a part of history as you make it during the 75th season of "1776" at the Little Theatre.

July 26-August 23
600 Wolfe Street Alexandria, VA 22314

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sue - check your facts. Unless you are giving away tickets, 1776 is not free. But at roughly $20 a ticket, it's a great bargain for live theater.

I saw the preview last night and its a top-rate performance by the lead actors (Adams, Abigail and Franklin). The duets between Adams and Abigail are wonderful and the actor playing Ben Franklin is well-rounded both physically and in his portrayal of Franklin's many moods and humors.

The rest of the cast also offers some memorable songs - Martha Jefferson's "He Plays the Violin" is lovely jazzy operrata piece in the singer's hands and John Dickenson and his cohorts do a wonderfully cynical minuet in "Cool, Considerate Men".

LTA's high production values and a pristine theater featuring new seats add alot to the performance as well.