Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Attack of the Open House Balloons

What does a top producing agent dislike most about her job?? One might think the long and unpredictable hours would be it, but no. It's the balloons. The Sunday open house, struggling with your signs, popping and flying off into space balloons. I tried to ignore the balloon thing when I started my career in real estate. Back then I had to blow up my own balloons, tie the stupid knot and then tie on the string. That was back in 1992 when the market was rough. So one Sunday the helium was out or I had just had it with the balloons—I don’t remember which-- but I neglected to take balloons and tie them to the open house sign in front of the house. The house was an odd duck, overpriced but in a good location in Del Ray on a pretty busy street. Despite the fact that I had an ad in the paper, signs everywhere and had passed out flyers, my seller was livid that I did not have balloons on the sign at the front of the house. Explaining that other, more important factors would bring a contract did not work. We did finally sell the house but it was not because of the balloons. However, since the verbal thrashing I have made it a point to bring balloons to my open houses.

Now, 16 years later I am fortunate enough that one of my assistants will kindly blow up my balloons. But the round bouncy beasts still choose to attack me while I am driving my car, creeping up on me, blocking my rearview, and causing extreme hair electricity! Then, when executing another dreaded part of the job—putting up directional signs to the open house—the balloons wind up being tangled, or escape when you open the door and threaten all those nice birdies who live in the bay. At the end of the open one has the same balloons to contend with. I often try chasing children down the street offering my half dead balloons so they don’t die a slow death in my car. I am often greeted initially with blank stares but then I get some smiles as they realize I am one of those nice strangers.

I would be very happy if there was green movement toward all real estate agents and companies to stop with the balloons—save the bay, the birds and my static electric hair. Anyone willing to join me in this important effort? That way I can get back to what I really enjoy about this business--helping my clients make the best decisions in the topsy-turvey world of real estate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen Sue!! I'm with you 100% on this. If. no-one did balloons, folks looking for the open houses would simply learn to follow the signs.