Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Tale from Mr. McEnearney

Every Tuesday morning, all the real estate agencies have sales meetings and then go out to look at newly listed properties so they will “know the territory”. Yesterday morning at McEnearney Associates’ sales meeting, Mr. McEnearney stood up and, with almost childish pride, said he’d won a $50 gift certificate for submitting a short story about his 13 months stationed as a Navy officer at the South Pole. He left Christchurch, NZ on a warm spring day and landed many hours later in -135 degree temperature! During his stay there, temperatures went as low as -165. He came home to establish what is northern Virginia’s most successful – by far – agency and has led the pack for many years. His years in the Antarctic prepared him for the boom times as well as the more complex market we are facing today.

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